Before you take off for this journey, invite your Career Designer Mindset to join you!
This mindset will be your best ally during this journey, but can potentially be your best ally for the next months and the next years, while you keep designing and crafting your Career.
Below are the 5 key principles of the “Career Designer” Mindset, that I recommend you start embracing and practicing, as you go:
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Principle #1:
Frame your Dream Career as an alliance of 3 attributes: Potential, Purpose and Quality of Living (based on your desired Life-Style).
By Potential, we mean our talents, skills, and passions, put into practice intentionally.
By Purpose, we mean working on things that add value to something we believe in, projects aligned with our values, we mean working with a sense of contribution.
Quality of Living (based on your desired Life-Style) refers to how and where we want to live, how and how much we want to work, prioritising our health, which is our greatest asset.
Good career decisions will always take this alliance into account. This allows us to build prosperity in a sustainable way.
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Principle #2:
Stepping into the Protagonist role of your Career.
What does it mean?