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To help you organize and accelerate your learning, I designed a special tool for you: a Career Design Workspace - in the Notion App - exclusive for this program.


If you are not familiar with Notion yet, think of Notion as a very organised (and friendly) digital notebook. There you can do your work - such as writing, brainstorming, planning - and all is registered in a nice and organised way.

What are the benefits of using Notion in your Journey?

I (highly recommend) you create your account in Notion and try using it as your main tool. 💛

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How to access your Career Design Notion Workspace?


1️⃣ Check the email you received from [email protected] with a link to your Career Design Notion Workspace. You will receive this email no longer than 24h after your purchase.

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How can you make your Career Design Notion Workspace EDITABLE and PRIVATE to you? (Highly Recommended)


1️⃣ Create your (free) account in Notion here: https://www.notion.so/login

2️⃣ Once you have your Notion account, you'll be able to Add your Career Design Notion Workspace to your Notion Account. How?